COVID-19 Policy
Effective as of 10/6/2022
Indoor or Outdoor Events, Meetings and Services
Personal decision to attend or not
Masks optional
Vaccination is recommended. We will operate on an honor system with the expectation that people will comply. Please attend in-person only if you are symptom-free and have not been in recent contact with anyone with COVID.
No occupancy limits
Normal food service policies – no COVID restrictions
Religious School
​Classroom Safety
Classrooms will be used.
HVAC systems is updated to relevant CDC guidelines.
We will open windows where present in classrooms, to introduce fresh air as per CDC guidelines.
Portable HEPA filtration systems will be used in classrooms with no windows.
Masks will be optional on Sundays during Religious School.
All eligible employees must be vaccinated (this includes Madrichim). Vaccination is required, and we will operate on an honor system with the expectation that people will comply. Please attend in-person only if you are symptom-free and have not been in recent contact with anyone with COVID).
Hand sanitizer stations will be in each classroom.
Materials will be shared.
Children will not remain in their classrooms throughout the school day, motor breaks will be given in the classroom or outside or in larger space based on an as needed basis. Courtyard could be used as well.
Hebrew teacher will move from classroom to classroom.
Bring a water bottle. Water fountains will be closed.
Snack will be served as an individual serving.
If your child feels sick in any way, please stay home. Any change in health during the school day will result in the removal of that child from the classroom. Parents will be called and asked to pick up their child immediately.
All-School Assembly
The all-school service and assembly will continue.
Masks are optional on Sundays during Religious School
Families are welcome to join for assembly.
If your child or anyone in your household has received a positive test or is waiting for results of a COVID test, please stay home.
Carpool Line-Pick up and drop off
Your choice to come in and drop off/pick up or wait in the car line to drop off/pick up.