About Us
Welcome to Shir Hadash! At Shir Hadash, you and your family will:
Be part of a small, warm and welcoming Jewish community and not just another face in a congregation.
Belong to the Reconstructing Judaism movement, a progressive Jewish movement that held the first bat mitzvah in 1922, championed women’s religious equality in the early 1950s, and welcomes LGBTQ+ Jews, Jews of color, and Jews who partner with non Jews.
Attend services that will leave you feeling spiritually enriched and uplifted while knowing and understanding what your prayers mean and why you are saying them.

Participate in a religious school education and connect to Judaism in a way that will endure beyond the bar or bat mitzvah.
Enjoy the option of attending a variety of social, educational, and cultural activities as well as holiday services.
Benefit from the leadership of a Rabbi who connects deeply, inspires spiritually, sings enthusiastically, and smiles broadly.